Fourth round of ART Winterchamps were held in Münsigen, BE. Stefan missed the poleposition by 0.18sec behind local hero Daniel Schwendimann.
The finals were very tough with lot of traffic on the small track. A mistake at the start of the first final put Stefan on last position, but after pushing his Associated R5.2 to the limits, he could reach the leading Oliver Mülhauser and pass him on the last round.
Second final started with an accident in the first corner, only Daniel Schwendimann got away without crashing and did a start to finish lead, while Stefan placed 2nd.
Some trouble with a damaged tyre let the 3rd final end quick for Stefan, so the final results were:
1. Daniel Schwendimann
2. Stefan Wüthrich – Team Associated RC12R5.2 / Reedy / HRC / Jaco
3. Martin Messerli – Team Associated RC12R5.2