Team Magic / HRC driver Jérémy Clavey wins the round 5 of the league 6 championship, at Thionville (France).
Under rain, Jérémy obtained a great result with his all new special rain prepared TM E4RS III.
1. Jérémy Clavey – TM E4RS III / HRC
2. Frédéric Vallejo
3. Yannis Faivre
With this great result, Jérémy increase the gap on the League 6 Championship.
Ligue 6 ranking:
1. Jérémy Clavey – 1880 pts
2. Mathieu Picaude – 990 pts
– Maxime Herrmann – 990 pts
4. Alain Walch – 870 pts
5. Bertand Thibaut – 840 pts
6. Marc Meyer – 710 pts
7. Julien Reboux – 640 pts
8. Jean Michel Adjnik – 590 pts
9. Léo Arnorld – 400 pts
10. Nicolas Frédéric – 370 pts
– Alexandre Kunkler – 370 pts