Some Team Magic drivers participated to the round 4 of the popular Lovan RC-Challenge in Belgium.
In stock category, Jerome Defrenne, driver of RC Shop Menen, obtained the third position on the grid, behind poleman Stefan Rommens and Rico Claeys. During the finales, Jerome managed two nices first runs and obtained two victories, to win his first race with his all new Team Magic E4RS III Plus, great result with a car he just discover during the week-end.
Stock Class Overall Result:
1. Jerome Defrenne – Team Magic E4RS III Plus / HRC racing / RC Shop Menen
2. Rico Claeys
3. Stefan Rommens
4. Athan De Witte
5. Liam Van de Wouwer
6. Xavier Debroye
7. Florian Joos
8. Nico Vandewynckel
9. Michel Smets
10. Pascal Delferiere
11. Willy Voisangrin
12. Olivier Cornard – Team Magic E4RS III
13. Ruben Ally
14. Sven De Clercq
15. Jurgen Pollefliet
16. Christophe Cathelain – Team Magic E4RS III Plus
17. Frederik Vanneste
18. Laurent Havet
19. Patrick Havet
20. Bo Roeygens
21. Sonny Vandenborre
In Rookie category, Christophe Libeer obtained the pole position and wins all the three finale runs with his E4RS III Plus.
Rookie Class Overall Result:
1. Christophe Libeer – Team Magic E4RS III Plus
2. Aaron Vandepoele
3. Pieter Muys
4. Kurt Dejaegere – Team Magic E4JS II
5. Kas Ally
6. Fons Ally
In Open (modified) category, Kristof de Witte, starting in seventh positon on the grid finishes on a nice fifth place.
Open Class Overall Result:
1. Mitchell van Es
2. Robby Engelen
3. Thomas Stockman
4. Stefan Rommens
5. Kristof De Witte – Team Magic E4RS III Plus / HRC racing
6. Mathieu Gesquiere
7. Athan De Witte
8. Liam Van de Wouwer